Sunday, September 14, 2008

What a Weekend

I am babysitting Tony and Karen's dog, his name is "Doog"and he is a cuddler. He has been sleeping on the bed with Millie and I and it has been so funny. Millie has been dying because my attention has been split and I would have to say she is really jealous. So on Friday night after returning home from a girls night out with Janelle and Alyssa (We saw the movie The Women), I was talking with my roommate Chelsi and looked over to see this. It was so cute.

I love this picture above because Doog has his little paw over Chelsi's arm
On Saturday I had a fantastic day and now that it is Sunday I am paying for it dearly. Let me explain. So Saturday morning I got a text for Jen and she was taking the boat out to Utah Lake and invited me to come in the morning. So we went wake boarding. Marielle and Jen both rock at wake boarding so I snapped a few shots.

The picture below is Jen catching mad air and clearing the wake

After boating with the girls, I raced to get to Kneaders for our early Christmas party of boating at Deer Creek. So again I went out and knee boarded, tubed, and again wake boarded. So when I woke up this morning I felt like I had been hit by a speeding train. I am SOOO sore. Arms, legs, stomach, back... all of it is so sore. As I was changing I told the dog, man I am getting old... that is how I feel. I feel like I am getting old and rickety.
After the boating party I went to Ryan Shrupe and the Rubberband at Thanksgiving point. It was a really good show. I love concerts where they just jam and show off their talent as artists. It was fun and laid back.


Linds Forrest said...

What an awesome weekend Space!! That looks like such a blast. How was 'The Women' did you like it? Hope the sore muscles are able to relax fully today!! Love ya

Kimbo said...

Lacy that looks so fun! If I weren't prego, that is for sure what I would want to be doing! Miss and love ya!

Jenna said...
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